“Credit or Debit?”

Finances are always a sticky issue when people get divorced. My ex-wife absorbed much of the debt from our marriage, most of which we accrued after her infidelity. She left me with very little in the way of possessions, but also very little in the way of debt. It has allowed me to help my kids financially as the need has arisen. I can feel the draw to be the parent with more resources, and I’m sure that she has the same desire. As it happens, my ex-wife and my daughter are flying to Europe tonight for a 2 week vacation; something I’ve always wanted to do. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous and, at the same time, hopeful that she is packing it onto a credit card. With all the debt she has, I don’t see how she could be using cash to pay for this vacation. I fell very petty and mean-spirited, but, when you’ve been cast aside from your life to live in a trailer, it’s hard to not entertain some feelings of rancor toward your ex.

I hope my daughter has a fantastic time.